+39.0321.64.22.11 info@procos.it

Chi Siamo

PROCOS S.P.A., appartenente al gruppo giapponese CBC Co. Ltd., è un’azienda specializzata nello sviluppo, produzione e vendita di Principi Attivi Farmaceutici (API), intermedi avanzati e servizi correlati all’industria farmaceutica.

La produzione di API per il mercato generico insieme allo sviluppo e alla lavorazione su base esclusiva costituiscono il nostro core business.
Lo stabilimento produttivo sito in Italia sorge su un’area di oltre 135.000 mq con un impianto multifunzionale all’avanguardia, in ottemperanza alle vigenti NBF (Norme di Buona Fabbricazione) ed ispezionato e approvato dai principali enti regolatori.
Al fine di rendere costante la nostra crescita in un mercato sempre più competitivo, sosteniamo un continuo ampliamento dei servizi e della piattaforma tecnologica, investendo nell’azienda e nelle persone.

Siamo una società radicata sul territorio ma integrata in un network internazionale con sedi commerciali posizionate nelle zone geografiche più strategiche.



Valori e obiettivi aziendali

Iniziativa, motivazione, determinazione e passione ci conducono verso il nostro obiettivo: una crescita sostenibile.

Ci impegniamo costantemente per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente ed il rispetto degli standard di sicurezza.

Siamo costantemente alla ricerca di nuove sfide per costruire il nostro futuro, senza adagiarci sulle conquiste passate.

Puntiamo ad aumentare le nostre quote di mercato in ambito internazionale, portando reciproca prosperità ai nostri clienti e a noi stessi.


Produzione &
Servizi Tecnici


Vendite, Acquisti &


Ricerca, Sviluppo
& Innovazione



is our philosophy

and people
our secret!


Le persone sono il segreto del successo di PROCOS. Sono la nostra risorsa più preziosa, per questo ci sforziamo sempre di potenziare le loro skills.





Social Responsibility

certificazione ecovadis 2022


PROCOS ha adottato il proprio Codice Etico che recepisce e formalizza i principi ed i valori etico-sociali di cui debbono essere permeati il comportamento della Società e dei destinatari in generale.
Il Codice Etico è parte integrante del Modello di Organizzazione Gestione e Controllo ai sensi del D. Lgs. 231/2001 ed insieme formano un corpus di norme interne finalizzate alla diffusione di una cultura improntata all’etica ed alla trasparenza aziendale.

La Società ha nominato, in ottemperanza al Decreto, l’Organismo di Vigilanza (odv@procos.it), autonomo, indipendente e competente in materia di controllo dei rischi connessi alla specifica attività svolta ed ai relativi profili giuridici.

PROCOS è costantemente impegnata nella salvaguardia dell’ambiente e nel rispetto degli standard di sicurezza e nella prevenzione degli incidenti rilevanti.
Tale impegno è espresso dalla Politica per la Salute e Sicurezza, la Tutela dell’Ambiente e la Prevenzione degli Incidenti Rilevanti.

Gold Recognition Level e CSR Program dal 2016.

PDF ‘Codice Etico’ scarica pdf

PDF ‘Modello 231′ scarica pdf


Il decreto legislativo 10 marzo 2023, n. 24 (nel seguito anche solo “Decreto”) recepisce in Italia la Direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 23 ottobre 2019, riguardante “la protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni del diritto dell’Unione” (c.d. disciplina whistleblowing).

Conformemente al Decreto sopra citato, PROCOS S.p.A. (di seguito anche la “Società”) si impegna ad incentivare e proteggere, chi, nell’ambito del contesto lavorativo, venendo a conoscenza di un illecito e/o di un’irregolarità, rilevante ai fini del D.Lgs. 231/2001 e/o di normative UE specificatamente previste dal D.Lgs. 24/2023, decide di farne segnalazione (c.d. “Segnalante”).

Quali sono i canali da utilizzare per segnalare

Tutti i Segnalanti possono indirizzare le proprie segnalazioni tramite:

Canali Interni:

Piattaforma disponibile sul sito web: https://wbreport.kpmg.se/ProcosSpA  

Richiedendo un incontro diretto al Gestore delle Segnalazioni.

Canale Esterno:

Canale messo a disposizione da Autorità Nazionale Anti Corruzione (ANAC): https://www.anticorruzione.it/-/whistleblowing cliccando “accedi al servizio”, da utilizzare nei casi tassativamente indicati dall’art.6 del Decreto 24/2023.

Cosa può segnalare?

Le Segnalazioni possono avere ad oggetto le seguenti tematiche:

  • illeciti che rientrano nell’ambito di applicazione degli atti dell’Unione Europea o nazionali;
  • comportamenti e/o pratiche non in linea con le disposizioni del Modello adottato dalla Società, nonché con le linee guida, procedure e regolamenti;
  • condotte illecite rilevanti ai sensi dei reati-presupposto contenuti all’interno del D.Lgs. 231/2001 fondate su elementi di fatto precisi e concordanti.

Sono escluse dall’ambito di applicazione le segnalazioni legate a un interesse personale del Segnalante, che attengono ai propri rapporti individuali di lavoro, ovvero inerenti ai rapporti di lavoro con le figure gerarchicamente sovraordinate (es. vertenze di lavoro, discriminazioni, conflitti interpersonali tra colleghi, segnalazioni su trattamenti di dati effettuati nel contesto del rapporto individuale di lavoro in assenza di una lesione dell’interesse pubblico o dell’integrità dell’ente privato o dell’amministrazione pubblica).

on le esigenze di confidenzialità delle indagini interne e del loro esito, PROCOS fornirà un riscontro alla segnalazione entro tre mesi dalla data dell’avviso di ricevimento.

Chi può segnalare?

Sono legittimati ad effettuare una segnalazione tutte le persone che operano nel contesto lavorativo della Società, in qualità di:

  • Lavoratori subordinati;
  • Lavoratori autonomi, nonché i titolari di un rapporto di collaborazione che svolgono la propria attività lavorativa presso la Società;
  • Lavoratori o i collaboratori, che svolgono la propria attività lavorativa presso la Società fornendo beni o servizi;
  • Volontari e i tirocinanti, retribuiti e non retribuiti;
  • Liberi professionisti e i consulenti che prestano la propria attività presso la Società;
  • Azionisti e persone con funzioni di amministrazione, direzione, controllo, vigilanza o rappresentanza, anche qualora tali funzioni siano esercitate in via di mero fatto, presso la Società.

Come sono gestite le segnalazioni?

L’Organismo di Vigilanza ex D.Lgs. 231/2001 è stato incaricato dalla Società per la gestione delle segnalazioni.

Entro sette giorni dalla segnalazione, il Segnalante riceverà la notifica dell’avvenuta ricezione della Segnalazione.

Si aprirà quindi un’indagine interna per accertare i fatti oggetto della segnalazione. È dunque opportuno che essa sia il più possibile circostanziata e offra il maggior numero di elementi al fine di permettere agli organi deputati di effettuare le verifiche necessarie.

Compatibilmente con le esigenze di confidenzialità delle indagini interne e del loro esito, PROCOS fornirà un riscontro alla segnalazione entro tre mesi dalla data dell’avviso di ricevimento.

Portale Whistleblowing: clicca qui per inviare le tue segnalazioni

CBC Global Gateway

Il nostro grande partner

Il Gruppo CBC ha da sempre una forte visione e propensione al futuro ed ha come obiettivo fornire un supporto integrato dallo sviluppo alla gestione del business. Tutto questo è possibile grazie alla Rete Globale che porta CBC ad essere presente in più di 45 paesi in tutto il mondo.

link al sito CBC Global Gateway


Chief Commercial Officer

“Good Leaders must first become good servants. I am proud of working for human life science. I never forget that we are making medicine.”

Kingo Yamashita

Business Development & Innovation Director

“My work impacts the world around me by guiding and coaching young colleagues to make 120% efforts to their work, promoting our values Learning from different opinions and visions through the constant discussion.”

Paolo Paissoni

Business Development Manager, IP EXPERT

“Working in PROCOS as a Business Development Manager for Generic API offers me the possibility to keep up-to-date with the new scientific discovery in the pharmaceutical fields.”

Sara Bacchiega

Business Development Manager, Custom Synthesis

“To do Business Development means to find and create opportunities. It is amazing how the company is evolving once an opportunity comes in. That opportunity could be a new customer, a project or simply an idea. And for me, to be an active part of this, is what makes me go to work each day.”

Simone Manzini

Associate Director, BD, PROCOS USA

"I love the people of PROCOS. Our global team can be worlds apart, yet I feel very well connected to my colleagues because of the strong bond and mindset that is driven by the vision of our management team and the collective focus to continuously grow together.”

Alicia M. Xaka


"PROCOS is a local company with an international spirit, that is fast growing and dynamic. Thanks to the cross functional moves I made during my tenure, I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow throughout the years, with both a sense of contribution and feelings of strong commitment and enthusiasm.”

Chiara Rigotti

Quality Unit Director & QP

"Working in the quality function provides me with the chance to see things from different angles.”

Damiana Gentili

R&D Plant Manager

"I thank PROCOS for giving me the opportunity to grow in this great family, together with an amazing team as well as the one that has been created in recent years.”

Davide Tonoli

R&D Senior Researcher – Process Development

"During these years, PROCOS supported my growth as a scientist and as a person, giving me room to strengthen, not only my technical skills, but also the soft ones, that are needed to lead a team in the most efficient way as possible.”

Fabio Morana

R&D Director

"We, as R&D, are continuously bringing new projects and innovation to the world around us. Everyday I experience positive emotions.”

Jacopo Roletto

R&D Senior Researcher

"Working at PROCOS is very stimulating for me. First of all, I have the opportunity to see the most advanced technologies applied and used in the field of chemical research.”

Luigi Bogogna


"PROCOS has given me the opportunity to grow and take my career to the next level by building up my skills in a job that I love. I strongly believe in the values of CBC and PROCOS and I am proud to be part of this family, that is involved deeply in human life sciences.”

Nicolò Rubino

Sales Office Manager

"After traveling to Italy and meeting my colleagues, I noticed that PROCOS has many women in higher level positions, and the management supports and encourages all of them to succeed. There is respect in everyone’s position, and this is not something you see in other companies.”

Patricia “Trish” Luhrs

HR Manager

"I love my daily job, furthermore PROCOS offers a multicultural environment both in terms of the origin of the people and in terms of people management, because everyone has specific needs that are taken into the highest regard by the company.”

Roberto Tombolato


"Now that we have been part of this reality for a year, we have been able to see from inside what we have always observed from the outside and our idea reflects the reality thanks to the attention PROCOS has towards the employee and the work we do, allowing us to grow and face daily activities with a smile. A special thanks to the administrative team who welcomed us.”

Stefania Prandi & Christian Belussi

R&D Analytical Senior Researcher,

"Every day, I strive to pass on my years of experience and, most importantly, the company values of responsibility, flexibility, tenacity, loyalty, and a love for our work.”

Stefano Ferrandi

Import Export Chief

“We should never have the presumption of knowing everything. We should live every day with the awareness that we can learn a lot from the people around us, whoever they are, colleagues, suppliers or customers.”

Stefano Zoppellaro

R&D Lab. Trainee

"My MSc Thesis work in PROCOS allowed me to acquire and enhance strong organic chemistry skills and to exploit them in an international production context. This amazing experience taught me how to conduct scientific research aimed at the resolution of complex industrial problems.”

Tommaso Rizzuti


"I love working in PROCOS because the Company listens to opinions, gives opportunities and cares for the people. We want to be a Great Place to Work and we strive everyday to reach this goal.”

Yoshihiro Furukawa

Sales Manager

“My work impacts the world around me by giving all feasible effort in order to fulfill and manage customer`s and internal requests. A good relationship is the key for any success story.”

Bernd Schwefel

Sales Manager

“Being active on multiple markets worldwide and talking daily to several customers, that all have many different requests, I am always receiving perfect support, no matter what issue we are trying to solve”

Peter Mosny

Sales Manager

“Procos offers an enriching platform for team of like-minded people to work together to grow the ethical and quality conscious pharma business that’s making a positive difference to communities around us.”

Siddhesh Naik

Senior Sales Manager

“Responsibility lies with oneself. Recognizing that, I constantly consult with people and rely on them. Public wisdom comes up there, and work goes well. The support around me impacts my work.”

Takashi Nakano

Chief Commercial Officer

“Good Leaders must first become good servants. I am proud of working for human life science. I never forget that we are making medicine.”

Kingo Yamashita

Business Development & Innovation Director

“My work impacts the world around me by guiding and coaching young colleagues to make 120% efforts to their work, promoting our values Learning from different opinions and visions through the constant discussion.”

Paolo Paissoni

Business Development Manager, IP EXPERT

“Working in PROCOS as a Business Development Manager for Generic API offers me the possibility to keep up-to-date with the new scientific discovery in the pharmaceutical fields.”

Sara Bacchiega

Business Development Manager, Custom Synthesis

“To do Business Development means to find and create opportunities. It is amazing how the company is evolving once an opportunity comes in. That opportunity could be a new customer, a project or simply an idea. And for me, to be an active part of this, is what makes me go to work each day.”

Simone Manzini

Associate Director, BD, PROCOS USA

"I love the people of PROCOS. Our global team can be worlds apart, yet I feel very well connected to my colleagues because of the strong bond and mindset that is driven by the vision of our management team and the collective focus to continuously grow together.”

Alicia M. Xaka


"PROCOS is a local company with an international spirit, that is fast growing and dynamic. Thanks to the cross functional moves I made during my tenure, I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow throughout the years, with both a sense of contribution and feelings of strong commitment and enthusiasm.”

Chiara Rigotti

Quality Unit Director & QP

"Working in the quality function provides me with the chance to see things from different angles.”

Damiana Gentili

R&D Plant Manager

"I thank PROCOS for giving me the opportunity to grow in this great family, together with an amazing team as well as the one that has been created in recent years.”

Davide Tonoli

R&D Senior Researcher – Process Development

"During these years, PROCOS supported my growth as a scientist and as a person, giving me room to strengthen, not only my technical skills, but also the soft ones, that are needed to lead a team in the most efficient way as possible.”

Fabio Morana

R&D Director

"We, as R&D, are continuously bringing new projects and innovation to the world around us. Everyday I experience positive emotions.”

Jacopo Roletto

R&D Senior Researcher

"Working at PROCOS is very stimulating for me. First of all, I have the opportunity to see the most advanced technologies applied and used in the field of chemical research.”

Luigi Bogogna


"PROCOS has given me the opportunity to grow and take my career to the next level by building up my skills in a job that I love. I strongly believe in the values of CBC and PROCOS and I am proud to be part of this family, that is involved deeply in human life sciences.”

Nicolò Rubino

Sales Office Manager

"After traveling to Italy and meeting my colleagues, I noticed that PROCOS has many women in higher level positions, and the management supports and encourages all of them to succeed. There is respect in everyone’s position, and this is not something you see in other companies.”

Patricia “Trish” Luhrs

HR Manager

"I love my daily job, furthermore PROCOS offers a multicultural environment both in terms of the origin of the people and in terms of people management, because everyone has specific needs that are taken into the highest regard by the company.”

Roberto Tombolato


"Now that we have been part of this reality for a year, we have been able to see from inside what we have always observed from the outside and our idea reflects the reality thanks to the attention PROCOS has towards the employee and the work we do, allowing us to grow and face daily activities with a smile. A special thanks to the administrative team who welcomed us.”

Stefania Prandi & Christian Belussi

R&D Analytical Senior Researcher,

"Every day, I strive to pass on my years of experience and, most importantly, the company values of responsibility, flexibility, tenacity, loyalty, and a love for our work.”

Stefano Ferrandi

Import Export Chief

“We should never have the presumption of knowing everything. We should live every day with the awareness that we can learn a lot from the people around us, whoever they are, colleagues, suppliers or customers.”

Stefano Zoppellaro

R&D Lab. Trainee

"My MSc Thesis work in PROCOS allowed me to acquire and enhance strong organic chemistry skills and to exploit them in an international production context. This amazing experience taught me how to conduct scientific research aimed at the resolution of complex industrial problems.”

Tommaso Rizzuti


"I love working in PROCOS because the Company listens to opinions, gives opportunities and cares for the people. We want to be a Great Place to Work and we strive everyday to reach this goal.”

Yoshihiro Furukawa

Sales Manager

“My work impacts the world around me by giving all feasible effort in order to fulfill and manage customer`s and internal requests. A good relationship is the key for any success story.”

Bernd Schwefel

Sales Manager

“Being active on multiple markets worldwide and talking daily to several customers, that all have many different requests, I am always receiving perfect support, no matter what issue we are trying to solve”

Peter Mosny

Sales Manager

“Procos offers an enriching platform for team of like-minded people to work together to grow the ethical and quality conscious pharma business that’s making a positive difference to communities around us.”

Siddhesh Naik

Senior Sales Manager

“Responsibility lies with oneself. Recognizing that, I constantly consult with people and rely on them. Public wisdom comes up there, and work goes well. The support around me impacts my work.”

Takashi Nakano


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